Mountain Pass from Argentina to Chile in the Andes
Our map and guidebook showed that the road from Mendoza, Argentina to Santiago, Chile had to pass through the rocky Andes Mountains, the world’s longest continental mountain range and second highest mountain range next to the Himalayas.
We scored front row seats on the upper-deck of the tourist-style bus, giving us incredible unobstructed views of the dry, desert-like landscapes.
A few minutes after our passports were stamped at the Argentina-Chile border crossing, our bus turned the corner and presented THIS insane view.
We couldn’t believe our eyes! The mountain landscapes are simply incredible.
Mountain Pass from Argentina to Chile
The road is well paved and the bus took the tight hairpins at a slow pace. However, that did not stop us from getting butterflies in our stomachs. We were, after all, on the upper deck of the bus. These seats gave us the sinking feeling that the bus could flip over at any moment.
There were a few nauseating moments when we wished we had caught the short international flights instead. But this was one of those rare bus trips that acted more like a tour than international transportation.
Can you imagine driving this switchback in the middle of winter?
What is the most insane mountain pass you’ve crossed?
Share your story in the comments section below.
Read next – The Abandoned Hotel Contadora Resort in Panama
holy crap guys!!! that is BY FAR the craziest photo i’ve seen of a road (the first one)!!! i get motion sickness on roads like that (getting better at it, but still…whoa!) so my craziest doesn’t even come close to this. had some frightening times on a night bus (19 hours) going from mae hong son to bangkok, and grew up driving through vermont and new hampshire mountains in snow storms, but this takes the cake!!! nooooo cannot imagine doing this one in winter! 🙂
You can imagine our faces when the bus turned the corner and THAT was what we saw! We had no idea
I’ve been to this pass last year and although it looks scary is not that bad once you´re in it . I did Serra do Rio do Rastro between Santa Catarina an Rio Grande do Sul , south of Brasil and it was ten times scarier .
Top of the World Highway! But not as crazy as this one.
Haven’t seen pics of Top of the World Highway? Care to share a link if you have one?
You should see Korakurum Highway Pakistan, BABUSAR TOP to Chilas Road Pakistan or Tilburg to Skardu Road Pakistan … They are hell Freaky and Deosai Plan to Skardu Road as well
I have crossed that border many a time and it is always a bit of a worry having to do it with all of those hairpin corners and a possibility of the vehicle (or should I say driver) not calculating the turn well.
I once got caught hitchhiking at the top of that windy part just as it started to snow and a storm came in (they can appear out of nowhere).
Luckily a truck driver picked me up.
Whoa – lucky indeed! Wouldn’t want to be hiking that in the winter!
Reminds me of Lombard street in San Francisco. But looks a little more Chilean.
Um, this looks INSANE.
I literally got goosebumps just looking at that last picture.
Kind of like the Grouse Grind. But you know, in road form.
Yeah, kinda!
At least the road looks well maintained with bright lines! I’ve been on some crazy bus rides, but nothing as picturesque!
We lucked out with the clear blue skies – the landscapes are incredible.
Whoa – that’s nuts! I would have been nervous too – I’m afraid of heights and those views from the top front row of the bus are like watching an IMAX!
Hah! It WAS like watching an IMAX!!
I haven’t done this yet but awesome tip!
Make sure you get a window seat at the front of the bus if you do the trip! 😉
That is nauseating to just look at! We’ve never crossed the border via bus, and I can tell you that I am not upset about that.
Hah! The border crossing was pretty painless and the landscapes more than made up for that nauseating section
that makes lombard street look paltry in comparison! 🙂
Agreed 😉
I was just thinking the exact same thing!
That looks like one scary ride. I BET you had butterflies!
That looks intense!! In Canyonlands National Park (Utah) there’s a OHV road that takes you from the top of the canyon to the canyon floor… on something that looks very similar to this. The only difference is that it’s not paved and there really isn’t enough room for two lanes of traffic, so you have to look ahead to find a little space in time to pull over if another car needs to pass. We were luckily in our Jeep and felt somewhat secure, but we saw a maintenance truck that was bouncing around like crazy!
That definitely sounds like an adventurous road!
This certainly looks a bit spine-tingly. We have some steep roads in Norway as well – one that looks quite like this one, actually – called the Troll’s Ladder. Here, roads are secured with guardrails, so they don’t really seem scary.
I’ve heard that Norway has some pretty steep roads. Funny how a guard rail makes us feel safer
Um……hell to the no!
Haha – not your cup of tea Renee?! 😉
One word…. WOW. I’m not sure if I should be impressed or scared!
Wow is right!
Holy cow! This is insane indeed! I’m glad you guys made it around safely!!!! 🙂
It wasn’t actually that bad, it took a LONG time to zig zag our way to the bottom, but it wasn’t too bad
Did that road in January & actually loved it – though found the pass in the north more visually interesting. Friend just skied in Portillo – the ski resort just before the descent shown in your photos. I cannot imagine driving this road in the winter.
How cool is that ski resort?! Chair lifts cross over the highway below – kinda strange.
Nice shots! Makes one somehow dizzy.
Thanks Michael. Yes, it makes me dizzy just looking at the pics, let alone doing the trip
These photos are crazy! I may have to take this road at some point too!
Will you be returning to Argentina anytime soon?
OMG that is crazy!! haha
happy you didn’t flip! Definitely worth the trip and not taking the short flight 🙂
We’re happy we didn’t flip too! 😉
I don’t know that a photo on a website has ever made me feel dizzy before! Congratulations. Since I can hardly handle the image, not sure I could handle the reality.
You can always close your eyes and go to sleep… 🙂
Woah! I certainly crossed from Norte Argentino into Chile but if I went up this mountain pass I must have been asleep 😛 You really captured this well with your photos!
This mountain pass was in central Chile, connecting Mendoza Argentina to Santiago Chile.
Guess what? I’ve been on the same road! I remember it well–although it was about 15 years ago. Loco, no? 🙂 Love the way you handled the photos…
I think I’ve been on worse–in Mexico.
Yup – totally Loco! But it looks crazier then it is.
Agreed, Mexico has some pretty sketchy roads too
I had some friends that drove that they informed me that if one throws in some Chilean driving and a few crazy Brasilians, it can be quite and interesting trip.
Hah! Yes, that could get interesting 😉
Wow, that road is nuts!
It is, isn’t it! 😉
Great shots! I remember passing this same road a few years ago when I took that bus. There was an accident on the road when I passed – a large loaded (overloaded) truck had just sort of slid off the road. I think everyone was fine, but they were working to get the truck back upright.
It’s definitely a “memorable” road for anyone that has been on it!
I think I just fainted for a moment. 🙂
Are you okay?!
It looks so scary from the photos, the twist and turns almost unreal especially since I live amidst flat lands.I hope to travel through Argentina from Brazil and on to Chili so I wonder if I will cross this road?
If you take the bus from Medoza Argentina, you will likely cross this border. It’s actually not scary at all, just a like nauseating! 😉
Looks like something from a computer game! Crazy stuff…
It does look like a video game, doesn’t it?!
Awesome – reminds me of Norway!
Haven’t been to Norway – are the roads similar?
I can imagine me driving my wife across that boarder. She would go crazy.
Hah – it’s definitely not like crossing the border via an airport 🙂
I would not want to travel that road in the winter! However, it is somewhat mesmerizing. I’m sure you got a little dizzy just staring out the bus window.
Yes, indeed! 😉
I think I’d rather walk 🙂
Hah! I’m not sure if that would solve the problem… but I hear where you are coming from! 🙂
They are some sick photos guys!!
Thanks Marc!
Woah! That is amazing. We’re headed that way in just a few short months and have been going back and forth about whether to do more bus or plane travel, and that photo both fascinates, and terrifies me!
Have fun! 😉
Wow, that road is insane!!!
Not sure I could go down it without feeling week in the knees!
Fortunately the bus driver took the corners slow so we didn’t feel the need to vomit! 😉
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That first photo actually makes me wanna cry.
Haha… ya, it’s pretty intense the first time you see it!
Absolutely incredible pictures. Especially that first view is breathtaking and I bet in the end it was more fun than just taking a plane.
Yes – it was much more fun than taking the plane. It actually felt more like a tour than transportation
Great shots! We can’t wait to drive this for ourselves when our Trans-Americas Journey finallly makes it that far south!
I think it would be a lot of fun to drive that road in our own vehicle. If you do make it there, make sure you tag us in your post or photos so that we can read about your experience! 😉
I saw this post a few days ago and was determined to take some good pictures of this road when I crossed from Mendoza to Santiago. I took the bus today and kept alert the whole journey waiting to take a photo as fabulous as yours. Unfortunately, a snow storm blew in when we were at the border and so all we could see were swirling snowflakes when we reached this road – SO disappointing. GREAT road though, I’d love to drive it!
Ah, that’s too bad! But at least you survived the snow storm. It must have been a little nerve-racking to have a storm hit just as you are about to hit that crazy road?! 🙂
That is insane! So much for guard rails…lol
Hah… ya, i’m not sure how effective they would be if you started picking up speed!
I like it!! Looks great to ride on a motorcycle… 🙂
It does look fun, doesn’t it?!
Wholly ****! There is just no way! Not a chance to get me down there with my fear of heights. Jst looking at the pictures make me freak out.
Ok–That road would get me sick—It has been a dream of mine to visit that area.I have been to many high mountains.
Thanks casey Mahoney Brad P
Wow! Amazing!! I thought the Duffy Lake Rd. had some intense switch backs on my tours in BC Canada (btw pemberton and lilooet) that’s nuts!
wow! that kind of road is crazy!
thinking to drive on that road make me feel sick already lol..
Okay, how do I get my motorcycle to Argentina? 😀
That’s a *MUST DO* road!
Those roads make me a little nauseous just looking at them…can’t say I’ve ever come across a road to rival this!
We’re traveling there for our honeymoon in 3 weeks and doing the same thing. I’m incredibly nervous about it. What bus company did you use? Since you lived to tell the tale, I’d like to compare itineraries.
We just got back from Chile. We actually enjoyed the Paso Libertadores very much. The road is very good and driving is no problem. The issue is more that some of the trucks are extremely slow and then they drive in convoys, making overtaking (there is a double line all along…)very difficult. Some trucks come from Paraguay and Brasil, some of their drivers have never seen a mountain pass before. So it’s an adventure und you should spend some time watching the traffic somewehere along the route.
It’s a beautiful place, i made a motorhome trip through Chile, and it was awesome!
if you want to travel to Chile, i can recommend you to rent a camper or motorhome in AndesCampers, a very friendly company, and they have a lot of different routes in their website!
The people on our bus cheered when we passed another vehicle on the way down.
I have not travel any road like this one between two countries, but we drove to the top of MT Washington in New Hampshire USA. No side rails, at times only one lane and it was incredible. This one looks amazing.