Make the most of your long weekends One of the ways we’re able to travel as much as we do is by taking advantage of long weekends. We often here other working parents say, “I don’t get enough vacation time to travel as much as you do.” Our response is always the same – “yes, you […]
My quest to visit every ski resort in British Columbia
My quest to visit every ski resort in British Columbia The ski season has officially begun here in the Pacific Northwest and we’re starting to get excited about our upcoming winter adventures. This year, La Niña is expected to dump a lot of snow on British Columbia‘s coastal mountains, so we’re hopeful this is going to be an epic season. Every […]
The Blarney Castle in Ireland – is it worth visiting?
The Blarney Castle, County Cork, Ireland First time visitors to Ireland have decisions to make. While small in size, this island nation is loaded with incredible things to do. Once we decided to visit Ireland, we jumped online and began researching things to do on our two week road trip. We quickly learned that we’d never be able to […]
A family getaway to the Comox Valley on Vancouver Island
Family getaway to Comox Valley, Vancouver Island A few weeks ago we were invited by BC Transit to participate in its #ExploreBCbyBus campaign. The objective of the campaign is to showcase low cost, family friendly summer activities in British Columbia that can be accessed by BC Transit. It was an interesting proposition since we rarely take public […]
Highlights from our 2 week Ireland road trip
Road trip around Ireland We love a good a road trip. It’s our favourite way to explore new destinations, especially now that we travel as a four-pack. We love the freedom that road trips provide. The freedom to start when we want, stop when we want, and go where ever we want. On our recent trip to Ireland, we spent […]
Photos from our trip to Point Roberts in Washington State
Point Roberts, Washington A couple of weeks ago we spent a few nights in Point Roberts, a peaceful seaside village located in the Pacific Northwest that is technically a part of mainland United States, but it’s not physically connected to it (we shared a map of its peculiar location in our last post). Point Roberts is close in proximity to […]
The fun and quirky Point Roberts fire hydrants
The quirky Point Roberts Fire Hydrants Not a lot happens on Point Roberts. It’s a sleepy seaside village in the Pacific Northwest that’s technically a part of mainland United States, but it’s not physically connected to it. Sounds a little strange, doesn’t it? It’s actually quite an interesting place. “The Point”, as it’s often called by its […]
30 Photos from our Winter Ski Trip to Sun Peaks
Winter fun at Sun Peaks Resort, British Columbia Given that it’s practically summer over here in the Pacific Northwest, it feels a little strange to be posting a photo essay from our winter trip to Sun Peaks Resort. We visited Canada’s second largest ski resort a few weeks ago, at the end of March, just a couple weeks before it […]