Willemstad, Curaçao You may be surprised to learn that the above image was captured on a tropical island in the Southern Caribbean, located only 100 kilometers north of Venezuela. It’s okay, I was too. The first time I saw a photo of these colourful buildings I couldn’t believe I was looking at a Caribbean island. It felt so […]
12 Photos that will make you want to visit the Banaue Rice Terraces
Banaue Rice Terraces in the Philippines If you find yourself in the Philippines you should seriously consider adding a visit to Banaue and the Rice Terraces of the Philippine Cordilleras, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1995. The remote town of Banaue, pictured above, is located in the province of Ifugao, about an 8 hour bus ride north […]
25 Photos from our Snowboarding trip to Whistler, BC
Photos from our trip to Whistler, British Columbia Ah, Whistler. Our happy place. Our home away from home. We finally managed to organize a snowboarding trip to Whistler WITHOUT the kiddies. We were looooong overdue. We dropped the boys off at the grandparents house over Spring Break so we could have a little adult time. […]
Reflections from our first trip to Aruba
What we learned from our trip to Aruba It’s been a few weeks since our trip to the island nation of Aruba. Now that we’ve had time to reflect, we’d like to share a few things we learned from this family trip to the Caribbean. Traveling south in the winter has become an annual tradition for […]
When in Aruba, you should visit De Palm Island. Here’s why.
De Palm Island in Aruba For such a tiny island nation, Aruba is quite diverse and loaded with things to do. We came for its silky white beaches and warm turquoise water, but we also wanted to drip in some family fun. A highly recommended Aruba tourist attraction is De Palm Island. De Palm Island is […]
A few photos that will make you want to visit Boston
Exploring the historical streets of Boston A few weeks ago, I visited the city of Boston for the first time. I’ve wanted to visit Boston for years. It’s one of those great American cities that everyone has to experience at least once in their lifetime. Needless to say, I was pretty stoked to see the historical city with […]
20 Photos that will make you want to visit the Giant’s Causeway
Photos of the Giant’s Causeway in Northern Ireland If there’s one place you should include on your Ireland and Northern Ireland itinerary, it’s the Giant’s Causeway. It’s no surprise that this mythical place has been recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Located on the northeast coast of Northern Ireland, near the town of Bushmills, […]
16 Things Travel Taught us in 2016
16 Things Travel Taught us in 2016 Reflecting back on 2016 got us thinking about the lessons we learned from our travels. We exceeded many of our goals for the year and stepped on 6 new countries (if you count Puerto Rico as a separate country, which we do). We watched our boys rapidly grow another […]